The content of this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for formal medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you have any concerns about your health, or call the office of Dr. Rodriguez Balasquide at 787-884-2288 or 787-884-2287 to schedule a consultation about cosmetic surgery, aesthetic product, or other wellness service offered by Victor Rodriguez Balasquide, M.D.
The material on this web site is copyrighted and may not be copied without the permission of Dr. Rodriguez Balasquide. No warranty or guarantee is made that the information contained on this website is in every respect accurate. Victor Rodriguez Balasquide, M.D. is not responsible for any errors or omissions regarding any information contained on this website. Visitors to this web site are encouraged to confirm the accuracy of the information with other sources.
The before and after photos in this site are for demonstrative purposes and are presented only to show possible results from various plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures. The photos are actual patients of Dr. Rodriguez Balasquide and represent the procedures under which they are listed. Images of patients have not been enhanced or retouched in any way to change the appearance of the surgical results. The images presented herein do not represent warranty or guarantee of results.
No representation or warranty is made with respect to any treatment, surgery, procedure, service, product or other action on this website, nor will Dr. Rodriguez Balasquide be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages arising therefrom. Victor Rodriguez Balasquide, M.D. does not make any representation or warranty on this website regarding his practice of medicine. His opinions and methods of diagnosis and treatment change frequently as new information becomes available, and the information on this website cannot and does not necessarily reflect his most current methods or opinions.