Even with a shapely body and healthy eating habits, lots of people suffer from unwanted fat deposit areas (like the “love handles” around the waist, or the external upper thigh area). These fat deposit spots are very difficult to eliminate through exercise. For these cases, a liposculpture performed by Dr. Rodriguez-Balasquide is an excellent alternative, since it defines body areas, contouring and improving the silhouette for patients with normal weight or even for those who are slightly overweight.
A liposculpture is a surgery where the body silhouette is redefined using liposuction. A liposuction is the extraction of fat through suction at predetermined areas of the body. The unwanted fat deposits are usually in the abdomen, thighs, back and arms. It is important for the patient to understand that the recuperation period varies greatly depending on the individual. In most cases patients are able to resume their normal daily activities within 10 days from the surgery.
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Results after 8 weeks. Request an appointment for more information.